Is it just me, or are the times we live in actually becoming more and more strange? The Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes reads “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV). If this is true, and many believe it is, then we may be in a time of arguably unparalleled political assault on the citizens of the United States, and a season of unbelievably brazen and ridiculous liberal thinking.
From TARP funds and a quasi government controlled auto industry, to bank bailouts and a much decried health care scam, Obama and his administration seems impervious to the will and voice of the people they profess to serve.
Consider Arizona’s SB 1070. Did the people of this four-corners state ask the federal government to interfere with their need, responsibility, and right to protect their own people and land? Is it imaginable that “common sense” thinking of recent decades would have ever given serious attention to the idea that the sword of the Department of Justice wielded by the President of the United States would sue one of its own states? Is Charlie Daniels a beginner on the fiddle?
Who would have believed this same D.O.J. would have chosen not to prosecute members of the Black Panther group whose presence, while dressed in uniforms and armed with night sticks, was clearly and unmistakably intimidating to would be voters. Even after the repeated video performances of the crime on national television, and after a former D.O.J. lawyer resigned in protest and accused Attorney General Eric Holder’s ruling to be racially motivated, the decision not to prosecute remains. Could my father or grandfather have ever imagined a time when the leaders of this nation, so united by its constitution, could ever have acted so perversely?
These times and the political theatre they exist with do seem strange. But encouragement in subsequent verses of Ecclesiastes may offer the best hope for political change. There is “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” For common sense conservatives November 2008 began a time of weeping, and a season of mournful administrative shenanigans. But hopefully November 2010 will bring a new season: a time to laugh and a time to dance.
From TARP funds and a quasi government controlled auto industry, to bank bailouts and a much decried health care scam, Obama and his administration seems impervious to the will and voice of the people they profess to serve.
Consider Arizona’s SB 1070. Did the people of this four-corners state ask the federal government to interfere with their need, responsibility, and right to protect their own people and land? Is it imaginable that “common sense” thinking of recent decades would have ever given serious attention to the idea that the sword of the Department of Justice wielded by the President of the United States would sue one of its own states? Is Charlie Daniels a beginner on the fiddle?
Who would have believed this same D.O.J. would have chosen not to prosecute members of the Black Panther group whose presence, while dressed in uniforms and armed with night sticks, was clearly and unmistakably intimidating to would be voters. Even after the repeated video performances of the crime on national television, and after a former D.O.J. lawyer resigned in protest and accused Attorney General Eric Holder’s ruling to be racially motivated, the decision not to prosecute remains. Could my father or grandfather have ever imagined a time when the leaders of this nation, so united by its constitution, could ever have acted so perversely?
These times and the political theatre they exist with do seem strange. But encouragement in subsequent verses of Ecclesiastes may offer the best hope for political change. There is “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” For common sense conservatives November 2008 began a time of weeping, and a season of mournful administrative shenanigans. But hopefully November 2010 will bring a new season: a time to laugh and a time to dance.