Recently I saw a post on facebook from a friend at church that said, “Health Bill good for some, not for others! God’s in control anyway! Deal with it! It's all good!” I guess he had seen or heard one too many comments about the healthcare debacle that just took place in Washington and was trying to weigh in on the debate. The problem, is that my friend just didn’t have his facts straight. Also, it occurred to me that he, like many others, probably had no facts or idea at all what the merits of the bill (now law) were and was clueless as to what just happened to him and the people of this great nation. The following is a slightly edited version of my reply.
Many people are upset with the way Washington has handled this health care reform. EVERYONE wants health care to be reformed and improved. But the way they went about it is dishonest, unethical, and more than likely unconstitutional. This law, unless repealed and repaired, will cripple our economy and endanger our security and superiority in the world. Never in the history of our nation has such a large piece of legislation been passed into law without partisan support. Think about it: NO Republicans in all of Congress (Senate or House) voted for this legislation, and 43 Democrats voted against it. Doesn’t that make you wonder why?
There is a reason our government is based on checks and balances and it is to keep politically driven legislation like this from happening. The Democrats could not get the votes they needed to pass this bill because it is a BAD BILL! So instead of coming to the table to discuss it and improve it by talking WITH Republican lawmakers they did everything in SECRET in the back rooms of Capitol Hill. Don't you see? They are lying to you and me. They used underhanded techniques to by-pass the right way to do things and literally forced this legislation on the American people.
For example, did you know that this bill FORCES YOU to buy health insurance? That's right - they are not going to give it to you or anyone else for free. And if you don't buy it THEY WILL FINE YOU! The Constitution of our nation does NOT give them the right to force you or me to buy anything from anyone. This bill is a violation of the 10th amendment and is already being challenged by a number of states. Further, did you know that because of this law the IRS will have to hire over 16,000 new government employees just to manage this bill? (Just more big government).
So you see my friend, this particular healthcare bill is not good for anyone, because everyone deserves to have their freedoms protected and not trampled on by the very government they elected. And yes, God is in control, but that doesn’t mean He wants us to be irresponsible or uneducated concerning the affairs of our nation and the legislators who govern us. “Deal with it” may have sounded cool in the 70’s, but it’s no excuse for promoting feelings without facts. “It’s all good?” I don’t think so, but it can be if we learn what’s really going on and become involved in intelligent debate.
I wish more Americans would understand this. A bad idea that will cost us billions in reconciliation not to mention the trillion the bill is costing up front. Thank you for your posting. M Fitzgerald
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. You are right, more Americans need to educate themselves and be aware of what is going on so they can make good decisions about who they elect.